Dr. Arwa Medical Center

Leading Plastic Surgery Center in Dubai

Plastic Surgery in Dubai

Welcome to Arwa Medical Center Plastic Surgery Center Dubai, where our approach to cosmetic and reconstructive surgery services is based on providing individualized care and natural-looking results that ensure total patient satisfaction.

Our Plastic Surgeons use only the most advanced, innovative and minimally invasive techniques to deliver optimal results that help you look and feel your absolute best.

We are committed to providing cutting-edge surgical and non-surgical procedures in a safe, relaxed, and friendly environment to make your journey with us safe and as stress-free as possible. Your safety lies at the heart of everything we do. All plastic surgeries of the face, breast and body are carried out by a team of western-trained and board-certified and experienced cosmetic and plastic surgeons.

There are two types of plastic surgery:

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

The primary purpose is for medical reasons to resolve a medical issue in the body. Such as injury, trauma, diseases, and tumor removal affect the body. The main goal is restorative in nature.

Arwa Medical Center offers expert reconstructive plastic surgery in Dubai, restoring both function and aesthetics. Our skilled surgeons employ advanced techniques to address a range of conditions, from trauma injuries to congenital anomalies, enhancing patients’ quality of life and confidence. Experience transformative results in a compassionate and supportive environment.

Cosmetic Surgery

The primary purpose is for aesthetic reasons to change or improve the physical appearance and to increase self-confidence.   

Arwa Medical Center offers transformative cosmetic surgery services, enhancing natural beauty through skilled procedures. With a team of experienced surgeons, advanced techniques, and a focus on patient well-being, they provide personalized and safe aesthetic enhancements. Elevate your confidence with Arwa Medical Center’s trusted cosmetic surgery solutions.

Cosmetic Surgeries that we provide:

Breast Augmentation

Childbirth, aging, and other natural changes in a woman’s breasts. It becomes smaller, it losses firmness, and the natural shape is lost. This is where breast augmentation can help. First, incisions will be made on the breasts. Then implants are inserted into the breast area and enhance the shape of the targeted area. Depending upon the procedure, it can be considered a day surgery (outpatient). Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel. It’s a thick and sticky gel that feels like human fat. Most women prefer this as it feels more like real breast tissue.

Breast Lifting

Medically known as mastopexy is a plastic surgery procedure that realigns the nipple higher within the chest. The sagging and excess skin will also be removed. It will tighten the tissues around the breasts. Reasons to get a breast lift: aging, genetics, weight loss, post pregnancy, breastfeeding when the areola size has drastically become large. The procedure requires general anesthesia, the duration will be approximately three hours, and is treated as day surgery. 

Breast Reduction

Medically known, as mammoplasty is a plastic surgery in dubai procedure that decreases the size of the breasts. It removes extra fat, tissues, and skin from the breasts. Women with enormous breasts usually are out of proportion and may cause back or neck pain or any other issues with posture. Thus, some women consider breast reduction. The procedure may be treated as daycare surgery or up to overnight depending upon the case. The duration will take 2 to 5 hours or even longer depending upon the case. It requires general anesthesia or the patient must be sleeping during the procedure.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body. It’s a popular cosmetic surgery option for individuals who are looking to reshape and contour their bodies by targeting areas where fat deposits are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is not a weight loss solution; instead, it’s designed to enhance body proportions and achieve a more sculpted appearance.

Face Lift

Ageing and other causes make the face lose its elasticity and firmness. Making the face and cheek sag, as well as; the appearance of jowls (sagging around the mouth and near the chin) more visible and making someone look old. The hot weather, time spent on the computer and other devices and lifestyle causes the face to sag. Face-lift is a cosmetic procedure to regain that youthful appearance. Our surgeon will first make incisions behind the hairline to stretch the sagging skin and re-position the excessive skin is decreased on the face. It is a one-day procedure and the patient can be sent home after the procedure.


Is the most widely performed plastic surgery in the world. It is considered the safest with no side effects if performed by a certified and qualified surgeon. It reshapes the nose into the desired effect for the patient or what our surgeon recommends. The procedure is simple and it differs from one person to the other depending upon the case. There will be a plaster fixed for maybe a week and some swelling and bruising may occur but that is normal. And the plaster can be removed in a week or so. After the procedure, the desired effects may not appear immediately and the nose will settle to the final desired shape after six months.

Neck Lift

Sagging neck and chin is a sign of aging. The neck lift procedure removes the excess skin that is sagging on the neck and jawlines. The results are long-lasting and it is a painless procedure with local anesthesia. The surgeon will make tiny incisions on each side of the ear and below the chin. Improving the shape of the face and giving that more youthful look. 


The ears sometimes are a hindrance to being confident. If the ears are far from the head or large ears can be a cause of shame for some people. Otoplasty can resolve this issue and change the shape, size, or position of the ears. The procedure can be done on both ears to provide symmetry. Otoplasty doesn’t affect one’s ability to hear or its functions. The surgeon will remove excessive ear cartilage or skin at the back of the ear or in the inner creases of the ear. After the procedure, the ears will be covered in bandages for support and protection, there may be itching or slight discomfort, and the patient shall be given pain medications. 

Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery removes excess skin folds and fattening in upper and inner sides of legs. In thin patients with minor excess skin folds, excess skin is removed, and the skin is stretched and sutured, leaving a flat scar on the inner sides of groin. In patients with high excess skin folds and fattening, it is applied together with liposuction method.

Eye Lift

An eye lift, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the eyelids. It involves removing excess skin, fat, and muscle from the upper and/or lower eyelids. The goal of an eye lift is to rejuvenate the eye area by reducing droopiness, puffiness, and sagging skin around the eyes, which can make a person appear older or tired.

Lip Lift

This is a procedure to correct the flattened upper part of the lip. Whereby, restoring youthfulness from the flattened area in between the nose and upper lip. The results are long-lasting and provide a more feminine, plumper lips and younger look. Our plastic surgeon will take a tiny piece of skin under the nose; this will decrease the distance between the upper lift and the nose. This will trigger the upper lift to roll up and give a youthful, plumper, and pleasing smile.